Alains cliff – the perfect diving story

It is your last dive this year in Croatia; it is a perfect day, where do you want to go? After some thinking I got an answer from three Polish divers which came to dive with me for a second year......''Alain's cliff''.
There was a fresh wind called Bura but not to strong and it mead the visibility crystal clear all the way to Kornati on North and Vis and Svetac on the South.
Bljuch, anchor went down, ….crn crn crn crn crn the chain went after it!
With lots of sweating, pushing and puling we slowly put heavy equipment in to the sea.
Weight belts started squeezing us as soon as we put them on, suits where too hot and sweet started filling them. There where some waves and our stomachs started filling dizzy. After waiting for some time and checking our equipment we went down to the bottom on 9 meters and started pedaling to the direction of the open sea.
After just a minute or two we all felt better. There was no more weight of the equipment no more sweet and the fresh water went in to our suits. Everyone adjusted there equipment and we kept on swimming over this clearing on 6 m.
In one moment there was one small bump in front of us and when we crossed it we realized that it is the edge of enormous cliff which goes directly down and the bottom can not be seen.
Blue the incredible blue. Our bodies started sinking next to this enormous wall which went down, down, down. Hundreds of beautiful coral (Gorgonija) in blue and orange colors looked like they are opening there bodies to embrace and welcome us in to this world of blue.
I let my body sink without moving and just my eyes followed the edge or the canyon which was opening in front of us. You can feel the pressure razing and blue is getting darker and darker …and then you stop!!! You find yourself flying next to the cliff in the middle of the crystal blue space. You are the one who has a privilege to be there in that short moment of time.
We slowly followed the cliff which suddenly breaks and goes toward the small bay on the island close by. Slowly the bottom comes from the deep and leads us between the rocks in to a safety of a enclosed bay. A small yellow Murray eel peaks from its hole and greats us slowly opening and closing her mouth. Big octopus is trying in panic to change her colors to hide from us under the stone.
Bay has stone bottom from which sunlight is reflecting and sketching the waves and shadows all around us. There is a small cave full of small crabs and small red fishes looking at us as we peak in.
Air in our tanks is slowly getting under 50 bars and we come back under the boat.
It was a nice day.
Written by Borko Pusic
Photography by: Borko Pusic