The intent of the TDI Trimix Diver program is to provide divers with the training necessary to
independently plan and conduct two-gas switch, multiple-stop decompression dives to depths of up to 60 meters / 200 feet, using specialized diving equipment and procedures with an equally-qualified dive buddy. You will earn the TDI Trimix Diver certification after completing this program.

Course prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18
  • Minimum certification of TDI Advanced Nitrox AND Decompression Procedures Diver, or equivalent
  • Proof of 100 logged dives

What you can expect to learn:

Advanced decompression dive planning including:
  • Gas planning based on equivalent narcotic depths, nitrogen and helium absorption and elimination, CNS and OUT limits, Isobaric Counter diffusion, volume requirements, etc.
  • Decompression gas choices
  • Tables vs. personal dive computers
  • Emergency and contingency planning (equipment failure, omitted decompression, etc)
Decompression diving procedures
  • Equipment selection
  • Pre-dive checks and drills
  • Stress analysis and mitigation
  • Following a decompression schedule
  • Gas switching
  • Team awareness and communication
  • SMB/lift bag deployment

Proper trim, buoyancy and finning techniques

Management of multiple decompression/stage cylinders

Emergency procedures (equipment failures, catastrophic gas loss, omitted decompression, navigational errors, injured/unconscious diver, etc)


650 EUR


700 EUR